Anti Bullying

‘We try to be our best selves and treat others as we would like to be treated.’  


At Marlborough Primary School,  we are committed providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils and staff so they can learn and work in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. 

Bullying of any kind is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated at our school. We take all incidents of bullying seriously and if bullying behaviour does occur, we believe that all pupils and staff should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

The safety, welfare and well-being of all pupils and staff is a key priority. We actively promote values of respect and equality and work to ensure difference and diversity is celebrated across the whole school community. We want to enable our pupils to become responsible citizens and to prepare them for life in 21st Century Britain. These values reflect those that will be expected of our pupils by society, when they enter secondary school and beyond in the world of work or further study.

In school we have clear rules about how we treat each other and these are incorporated into our school golden rules. These rules are displayed in every teaching and learning area and regularly discussed with our pupils:



As part of our Health and Relationships Education curriculum, all children will cover the core themes of relationships and valuing difference in the Autumn Term. We use a spiral curriculum, meaning that specific learning builds for pupils as they move through the school, gradually expanding and deepening their knowledge, skills and attributes towards  the topics of feelings and emotions, what healthy relationships are and valuing difference. In addition, we celebrate national anti-bullying week and carry out whole school assemblies linked to these topics on a termly basis.

Playground buddies

Our Playground Buddy scheme plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly and peaceful atmosphere for children during playtimes. Playground Buddies are selected Year 5 and 6 pupils and are an important part of the Marlborough Anti-bullying team.

Children interested in becoming Playground Buddies complete a job application form explaining why they would like to be a Playground Buddy and why they think they would be good at the job. Selected pupils are given training before working in the playground alongside the adults.  A rota is drawn up so all buddies are aware of their duties, a minimum of 2 buddies assist each playtime. 

The role of Playground Buddies involve:   

  • Making children feel comfortable and welcome. 
  • Helping children find new friends.
  • Helping children to play cooperatively with each other. 
  • Including children who are lonely and helping them to play games.
  • Giving support to children to find solutions to a problem.
  • Being fair and not taking sides.
  • Teaching new games.
  • Resolve/ prevent  fall outs.
  • Report to adults any difficult situations.
  • Most importantly, being available as a friend to all the other children.

Anti-bullying Polices and Procedures

Our school has an anti-bullying policy which is agreed by staff, governors and in consultation with parents and pupils. This policy can be accessed here: Anti-bullying policy.

With the support of our Friends of Marlborough, we have also created an anti-bullying leaflet for parents and carers. This can be accessed here: Antibullying leaflet for parents. It is important if someone is being bullied or cyber-bullied that those closest to them are able to help and support. Please feel free to make an appointment with Miss Taylor (anti-bullying leader) or any other member of staff if you have concerns.

Anti-bullying Websites for Parents

For further help and advice about bullying you may find the below websites useful. Alternatively you may wish to visit our dedicated anti-bullying webpage aimed at our pupils, which can be found here.