Online Safety

The World Wide Web is an amazing place! At Marlborough Primary School, we think that it is really important that everyone (both pupils and adults) know how to stay safe online. Using the Internet sensibly is something that we encourage everyone to do. Below are our online safety rules which everyone is expected to follow.


Online Safety websites for pupils

The website is a great way for you to find out how to use the internet safely. The links below will take you to different parts of the website for different ages.

5-7 year olds

8-11 year olds

If you are 5, 6 or 7 you probably like to use the computer for fun.

There is a great website called Thinkuknow to help you go on the internet in a safe way and know who to talk to if you are worried.

If you’re between 8 and 11, you probably know a lot about using the internet.

On the Thinkuknow website there is an area to show you what is good on the internet and ways you can get yourself out of bad situations. You can do this by playing Band runner and watching the Play Like Share animations which can be found on the Thinkuknow website.

Who can you tell?

If you are being bullied or are unhappy about anything that has happened online, there are lots of people who can help. You can speak to:

A trusted member of your family.

Miss Taylor (Online Safety Leader) or any other adult that you trust at our school.

A counsellor at Childline.

Report it to CEOP.