On behalf of all the children, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Marlborough Primary School and our web pages. At Marlborough Primary we aim to make our school a safe, caring and child-centered place for your children to flourish and to do the very best that they can. This is underpinned by our shared motto: ‘Bright minds, Bright Futures’.
Our children are well-behaved and excited to learn and we expect high standards from everyone within the school. We provide our pupils with excellent pastoral support and ensure that the children are well supported to learn. We have a philosophy of teamwork and a clear vision for continued success. As a team, we are determined to improve outcomes for our children from vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds and to ensure that we deliver equality for all. We encourage parents and adults to support us with ensuring that children have excellent school attendance as we know that this will support them to develop and ensure that they have a "bright future".
Our school was built in November 2014 and it is well known for its warm, calm and welcoming atmosphere. We are very proud of school and the indoor environment which is calm and purposeful to support pupils to learn. We have also worked hard to develop the outdoor areas and our pupils love the opportunities and we give lots of opportunities for pupils to enjoy learning within the school grounds and Forest School. We provide an Opal Play Curriculum which encourages pupils to explore and develop their resilience and co-operation skills within the school environment.
Our school forms an important part of the local community and we try to make links and encourage pupils to be an integral part of the community of Sulgrave. We take part in events and offering services from our school such as working at the local food bank, litter picking in the local area and many more.
Our work is supported and monitored by an effective Governing Body who work to support the schoool in our drive to ensure that we provide a broad and balanced educational experience for our pupils. We also have an enthusiastic Parents’ Group who organise events to raise money for the school .
We work to develop strong links between home and school, recognising the important role parents play in the education of their child. The success of our school is dependent upon the relationships we build with everyone. We aim to keep parents informed and involved through regular newsletters and within the events and information section on our website and Arbor app . Each term , we offer opportunities to discuss your child’s progress and we are always pleased to meet with you at other times.
We look forward to working with you to ensure that, through our partnership, we give your children the excellent education that they deserve. Visits to the school are warmly welcomed and can be arranged by contacting us via the school office through either email or by telephone : email - enquiries@mpschool.uk or telephone 0191 4164311
Mrs Wendy Buddle - Headteacher