Online Safety

At Marlborough Primary School we believe that educating our pupils about being safe online is very important.  As part of our Computing curriculum all children follow our Digital Literacy Scheme of Work that has been designed to empower our pupils to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. In school we have clear rules about using the internet and these are displayed in every teaching and learning area.


The rules are regularly discussed with the children by their class teachers.  A digital copy of these rules can be found here: Online safety rules.

Online safety polices and procedures

Our school has an online safety policy which is agreed by staff, governors and in consultation with parents and pupils. This policy can be accessed here: Online Safety Policy. On an annual basis, parents are asked to consent to their children using the internet and have work and photographs published on the school website and our other social media accounts. 

Online safety newsletters and leaflets

Following feedback from parents we regularly update our school Facebook page with any further updates we might feel are relevant. For further information on online bullying and other internet dangers, a copy of the leaflet which is sent home during Internet Safety week can be found here: Online safety guidance for parents.

Alternatively there are many websites that you can explore that have information and guidance for parents to keep children safe on-line at home.  Below are a selection of some of these: Cyber bullying and other internet dangers leaflet.

Online Safety

At Marlborough Primary School we believe that educating our pupils about being safe online is very important.  As part of our Computing curriculum all children follow our Digital Literacy Scheme of Work that has been designed to empower our pupils to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. In school we have clear rules about using the internet and these are displayed in every teaching and learning area.


The rules are regularly discussed with the children by their class teachers.  A digital copy of these rules can be found here: Online safety rules.

Online safety polices and procedures

Our school has an online safety policy which is agreed by staff, governors and in consultation with parents and pupils. This policy can be accessed here: Online Safety Policy. On an annual basis, parents are asked to consent to their children using the internet and have work and photographs published on the school website and our other social media accounts. 

Online safety newsletters and leaflets

Following feedback from parents we regularly update our school Facebook page with any further updates we might feel are relevant. For further information on online bullying and other internet dangers, a copy of the leaflet which is sent home during Internet Safety week can be found here: Online safety guidance for parents.

Alternatively there are many websites that you can explore that have information and guidance for parents to keep children safe on-line at home.  Below are a selection of some of these: Cyber bullying and other internet dangers leaflet.