Nursery opening times and childcare hours

Our Nursery is open term time Monday to Friday 8:30am - 11:30am and 12:15pm - 3:15pm. We currently provide 15 hours per week free childcare for all 3 and 4 year olds and also provide the same provision for 2 year olds subject to eligibility. The Nursery is part of the primary school in Washington. We also  offer 30 hours free childcare to 3 and 4 year olds who meet the criteria set out by the Department for Education. If you are interested in registering your child to our Nursery please contact the school office on 0191 4164311 to book an appointment to view our school and learn more about Early Years Provision. Our Admissions Policy provides more information about our Nursery Provision. Reception times are term time Monday to Friday 8:55am - 2:55pm.


On a case by case basis we may be able to offer additional childcare to 3 and 4 year olds that do not meet the 30 hours free childcare eligibility. This will be charged at £4.00 per hour and the agreed additional hours will be fixed each term and non refundable over this period. Please contact the school office for more information. 

Early Years

Within our Foundation Stage, we believe children are at the centre of their learning and learn best through play. Our Foundation Stage staff are committed to ensuring all children are happy and successful. We recognise that every child is competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. Children’s attitudes and dispositions to learning are influenced by feedback from others; we use encouragement to support children in developing a positive attitude to learning. We recognise that “Every child is a unique child who is competent learner who can be resilient, resourceful, reflective, take risks, and can form successful relationships”. We recognise that the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending the children’s development. Foundation Stage have their own outdoor area which children have access to at all times and during all seasons of the year. Outdoor learning has a positive effect on the children’s development, being outdoors offers the children further opportunities to explore, use their senses, develop their language skills and be physically active. We plan activities and develop resources both inside and outside, enabling the children to develop in all the areas of learning. We are also continually developing our forest school area which all children in our school will be able to access regularly.

Our Early Years Policy provides more information about the learning your child will undertake should they join our Foundation Stage.


Nursery Offer
